Thursday 23 October 2014

Work Experience

I have been going to my work experience placement for five weeks now and I only have five weeks left, which im very sad about.
Im doing my work experience in a playschool and im really enjoying myself. I was very nervous when I first arrived but I had nothing to worry about as it was very fun and I have now learned that I would like to work in a playschool in the future. I was a playschool assistant and I have to help look after the children and help them with arts and crafts. I also learned that not only do you teach them but you have to have a record on how well the child is doing by making observations.
Im very sad that I won't be going next Wednesday as we are on mid-term but I will be there the Wednesday after that and I can't wait!


Thursday 16 October 2014

A sentence without words





Digital Dossier

Your digital dossier is your accumulation of all your digital tracks that you leave behind.
I just finished watching a video about my digital dossier/footprint. I thought this video was going to be about everything I post on facebook or instagram but it is actually about everything you do with technology from when you are a baby like an ultrasound. Even if you just take a photo it is added to our digital dossier. Our digital dossier is always growing whenever we use the internet or even if we walk by a security camera.

Your Digital Footprint



Thursday 9 October 2014

Fun Walk!

Last week we had our annual fun walk in the school. Every year group gets different colours and then you have to make up a dance and then everyone goes for a walk. It is to raise awareness to anti-bullying week. Our color was yellow and our class were flounder from the little mermaid as our class is called Ariel. We didn't have much time to make up the dance but it turned out great.

After our dance we sat down and watched the other year groups and then we started our walk. I wasn't walking because I was helping with traffic. Before the fun walk we also had mass for the start of the school year and my class was in the choir so we had to sing songs for the mass. The glee club also performed and they were really good. It was a very enjoyable day and even though we didnt win the fun walk we all had fun attempting to dance.
