Thursday 27 November 2014

The Fashion Show

Yesteraday was the last day of the fashion show. After all the preperations everyone made it is over. The show was on both Tuesdasy and Wednesday and I really enjoyed it. It was in the Celbridge Manor Hotel
I had to go down both days to sell my mini-company jars and I also had to take pictures for the end of the year.
As well as the models there was also great acts that include:
The glee club, the choir, a group of TYs performing a song, modern dancers, ballet dancers, irish dancers and the teachers dancing.
Lots of shops gave clothes for the students to model. They also got boys from the local boys school to model and the teachers modeled as well. There was also debs dresses being modeled, wedding dresses and there was also a past pupil named Ruth Doyle who designed her own clothes which were being modeled.
The two nights were a great success and there will hopefully be another fashion show while im still in the school.
Teachers Dance


5th Year Models
Irish dancers

TY Music Group

Thursday 20 November 2014

Vanishing Art

Yesterday all of the TYs went to carton house for the vanishing art exhibition.
It was really fun and we saw lots of pieces that were very interesting. The exhibition had lots of different types of art, from paintings on the wall to a purple dinosaur sculpture. The exhibition was both outside and inside. My favourite piece was a sculpture of a dress, it was called Dress Series by Helen Walshe.
The sculptures were all very different from eachother, there was even a sculpture that was in the water. When we were going around looking at the sculptures the Irish rugby team was in the gym and we aslo saw them and some people got pictures with them.
Overall it was a very fun day and I really enjoyed the trip.

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Thursday 13 November 2014

Fashoin Show

There will be a fashion show in the Celbridge Manor Hotel on the 25th and 26th and I am very excited. They picked models from all the years out of a hat and there will also be dances and music for entertainment. I can't wait for the tickets to go on sale as I really want to see it.
Our mini-companies are also selling there so im excited to finally start selling. My mini-company is Jolly Jars, they are decorations that we are making with jars that will have a candle in them.

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
           -Yves Saint Laurent


Road Safety Talk

Today we had a road safety talk. The talk was very interesting and although it made me scared about cars, I learned a lot. The guards showed us videos of road accidents caused by drunk driving or even tiredness. They also had statistics about the amount of deaths from road accident, which have gone down over the years.
They showed us videos that were taken by garda cars that shows cars speeding or making mistakes while driving.
 They also showed us a video about a woman talking about her daughter who got into a car with a drunk person driving and the car crashed and she died. She thought it wouldn't happen to her and she didn't wear a seatbelt. She had also had something to drink so it clouded her judgement and she got into a car with someone who was drunk.
The guards also told us stories about reckless driving and also pedestrians who walk out in front of cars.
The talk was very interesting and although it was on a sad topic it is good to know as we will be starting to learn to drive soon.


Thursday 23 October 2014

Work Experience

I have been going to my work experience placement for five weeks now and I only have five weeks left, which im very sad about.
Im doing my work experience in a playschool and im really enjoying myself. I was very nervous when I first arrived but I had nothing to worry about as it was very fun and I have now learned that I would like to work in a playschool in the future. I was a playschool assistant and I have to help look after the children and help them with arts and crafts. I also learned that not only do you teach them but you have to have a record on how well the child is doing by making observations.
Im very sad that I won't be going next Wednesday as we are on mid-term but I will be there the Wednesday after that and I can't wait!


Thursday 16 October 2014

A sentence without words





Digital Dossier

Your digital dossier is your accumulation of all your digital tracks that you leave behind.
I just finished watching a video about my digital dossier/footprint. I thought this video was going to be about everything I post on facebook or instagram but it is actually about everything you do with technology from when you are a baby like an ultrasound. Even if you just take a photo it is added to our digital dossier. Our digital dossier is always growing whenever we use the internet or even if we walk by a security camera.

Your Digital Footprint



Thursday 9 October 2014

Fun Walk!

Last week we had our annual fun walk in the school. Every year group gets different colours and then you have to make up a dance and then everyone goes for a walk. It is to raise awareness to anti-bullying week. Our color was yellow and our class were flounder from the little mermaid as our class is called Ariel. We didn't have much time to make up the dance but it turned out great.

After our dance we sat down and watched the other year groups and then we started our walk. I wasn't walking because I was helping with traffic. Before the fun walk we also had mass for the start of the school year and my class was in the choir so we had to sing songs for the mass. The glee club also performed and they were really good. It was a very enjoyable day and even though we didnt win the fun walk we all had fun attempting to dance.


Thursday 25 September 2014


Its hard to believe Carlingford was more than a week ago because it seems like it was just yesterday. Even though we had to get up early Carlingford was still amazing.

 As soon as we got off the bus and into our rooms we were staright into the wetsuits and into the water. Are group was group B and our first activity was kayaking with Emer which was very fun even though I fell. After kayaking we went to our rooms and we put all of our sweets on a table(we had a lot of sweets). We then had our lunch and did laser tag, which was my favourite activity we did. We walked up a really long and steep hill but it was worth it when we got to the forest. Our instructor Martin would tell us inspirational quotes like "you miss one hundred percent of the shots you dont take" and then we would play games like capture the flag. That night after dinner we had an activity called night line. We had to be blind folded and put one hand on a string and the other on the person in front of you and if you lost the person in front of you, you would shout "dib dab".
After night line we ate lots of our sweets including cake for laurens birthday and we had a disco in our pjamas.
The next day our first activity was canoeing. We went over to a water trampoline and got to jump into the water which was really fun. We then canoed over to a tunnel and we got freezing cold water thrown on us as it is supposedly meant to give you an extra day to your life. We then tried to canoe back to the island which was hard as we were getting splashed and our canoe almost sunk but our instructor, Lily took out the water and we sang all the way back. The last activity we did was a challenge course. We had to complete different challenges in our group and we were awarded with gems. The group I was in won because we were so amazing.
We then had to go home which was very sad because I really wanted to stay longer. It was a really great trip and I had a great time!
